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  • Writer's picturePedro Pico

Your Ultimate Guide to the PENA PALACE, Sintra's Crown Jewel

Updated: Jun 12

Unveiling the Enchantment: Everything you need to know about the Pena Palace in Sintra

Greetings, fellow adventurers, and welcome to the enchanted realm of Sintra, where history intertwines with fantasy, and every corner holds a tale waiting to be discovered!

I'm Pedro, and I manage Sintra WOW with my mum, Maria. I was born in Sintra, and I'm a happy local tourist of my own village. From all the places I walk with my dog, and visit weekly, Pena Palace is one that I cannot let pass. I go there at least once a year, and I simply Love it!

So lets embark on a journey like no other, delving deep into the heart of one of Portugal's most iconic treasures, classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since 1995– the illustrious Pena Palace.

In this WOW Article we are going to dive in every detail you need to know, this includes:

This is without a doubt your ULTIMATE GUIDE TO THE PENA PALACE! Go ahead save it, bookmark it, share it, and make sure you don't miss Pena when you visit Sintra.

So, fasten your seatbelts (or should I say, strap on your walking shoes!), for we are about to embark on a whirlwind tour of grandeur, beauty, and the sheer magic that is this Palace.

1. History of the Palace: A Tale of Romanticism

The history of this magical place begins in the 12th century, when there was a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Pena. In the same location, King Manuel I ordered the construction of a monastery, the Royal Monastery of Our Lady of Pena, later entrusted to the Order of Saint Jerome.

The earthquake that struck Lisbon in 1755 (destroyed the entire city of Lisbon, the strongest till today), left the monastery practically in ruins. Despite its degradation, the monastery continued its activities. However, almost a hundred years later, in 1834, when the religious orders were abolished in Portugal, it was left abandoned.

The Pena Park (which you should also visit) still preserves corners that harken back to this time, such as the Monk's Grotto, where the monks practiced seclusion.

Two years later, in 1836, Queen Maria II married Fernando of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, a prince of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, nephew of the reigning Duke of Coburg, Ernest I, and King Leopold I of Belgium. According to the marriage contract, Fernando received the title of king-consort.

Fernando II was one of the most cultured men in Portugal during the 19th century. A polyglot, he mastered German, Hungarian, French, English, Spanish, Italian, and, of course, Portuguese. In his childhood, as the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, he received a careful education where the arts, particularly music and drawing, played a fundamental role.

Throughout his life, he maintained a strong connection to the arts, as an author, collector, and patron, earning him the nickname of the Artist King.

Shortly after his arrival in Portugal, he fell in love with Sintra and acquired, with his personal fortune, the Monastery of Saint Jerome, in ruins, as well as all the surrounding woodland. This sixteenth-century monastery exerted a tremendous fascination on the king, rooted in his Germanic education and the romantic imagination of the time, where the mountain range and the aesthetic valorization of ruins were appealing.

The initial project was merely to restore the building as a summer residence for the royal family, but his enthusiasm led him to decide on the construction of a palace, extending the pre-existing structure, under the direction of Baron Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege, a mineralogist and mining engineer then residing in Portugal.

Baron Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege

The palace is surrounded by other architectural structures that evoke medieval imagery, such as battlements, watchtowers, an access tunnel, and even a drawbridge. The palace incorporates architectural references of Manueline and Moorish influence, creating a surprising "Arabian Nights" setting.

In the Pena park, reflecting the aesthetics of Romanticism and combining the search for exoticism with the impetuosity of nature, the king designed winding paths that lead visitors to discover landmarks or enjoy remarkable views: the High Cross, the Temple of Columns, the Alto de Sta. Catarina, the Monk's Grotto, the Bird Fountain, the Queen's Feteira, and the Valley of the Lakes.

Cruz Alta, High Cross, the highest point of the Sintra region at 530 meters that provides wonderful view

Along these paths, with his collector's interest, he planted native forest species from all continents, making the 85 hectares of the Pena Park the most important arboretum in Portugal. Particularly noteworthy are the collections of Asian camellias, introduced by Fernando II in the Pena Park in the 1840s, which became the hallmark of Sintra's winter, being the reason for balls and parties.

The exotic grove frames pavilions and small buildings, composing a scene of unparalleled natural beauty but also of great historical and heritage significance.

After the death of Maria II in 1853, Fernando remarried Elise Hensler, an opera singer, and Countess d'Edla. Together they built the Countess d'Edla Chalet, located in the Pena Park. It is a two-story building with a strong scenic character, inspired by alpine motifs, which maintained a significant visual relationship with the Palace.

Queen Maria II of Portugal

The second phase of royal occupancy of Pena is marked by the presence of King Carlos I (1863-1908) and Queen Amélia of Orléans (1865-1951). These monarchs would inhabit the palace during part of the summer, before also spending some time at the Citadel of Cascais. Their son, Manuel II, also spent long periods in this palace, maintaining his former quarters as an infant on the noble floor of the Tower, although using his father's former rooms on the lower floor of the cloister for official functions.

It is in the Pena Palace that Queen Amélia is surprised by the Proclamation of the Republic on October 5, 1910, from where she leaves for Mafra to join her mother-in-law, Queen Maria Pia, and her son, King Manuel, to embark from Ericeira on the royal yacht D. Amélia bound for Gibraltar.

The Pena Palace was classified as a National Monument in 1910 and is the most important center of the Cultural Landscape of Sintra, classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since 1995.

In 2000, the Pena Park became administered by Parques de Sintra, which in 2007 also took over the management of the palace. In 2013, the Pena National Palace became part of the Network of European Royal Residences.

Over the years, Parques de Sintra has carried out constant work of conservation, restoration, and enhancement of the vast heritage encompassed by the Pena Park and Palace. Notable projects include the reconstruction of the Countess d'Edla Chalet - awarded in 2013 with the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage - Europa Nostra, in the Conservation category - and the complete restoration of the Noble Salon of the Pena Palace.

Noble Salon of the Pena Palace

Let us journey back in time to the 19th century, a period marked by sweeping social change, artistic innovation, and a renewed fascination with the past. It was during this era that King Ferdinand II, with a vision as bold as it was visionary, set out to transform the ruins of an ancient monastery into a palace fit for a fairy tale.

Inspired by the lush landscapes of Sintra and the romantic ideals of the time, King Ferdinand embarked on an ambitious project that would forever change the face of Portugal's architectural landscape.

2. Architecture: Where Dreams Take Shape

Prepare to be dazzled as we step into the realm of architectural wonder that is the Pena Palace! Rising majestically from the mist-shrouded peaks of the Sintra Mountains, the palace is a veritable feast for the eyes, with its vibrant hues and intricate ornamentation capturing the imagination of all who behold it.

As we make our way through the palace grounds, we are immediately struck by the sheer diversity of architectural styles on display. Moorish arches mingle with Gothic spires, while Renaissance domes overlook Manueline doorways adorned with intricate carvings.

It is a symphony of shapes and forms, a testament to the king's boundless imagination and his desire to create a palace that transcended the boundaries of convention.

The centerpiece of the Pena Palace is undoubtedly its striking redish clock tower, which soars skyward, offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. From this vantage point, one can gaze out upon the lush forests and winding rivers that stretch as far as the eye can see, a reminder of the palace's lofty perch atop the Sintra Mountains.

3. Features and Styles: A Feast for the Senses

Step into a world where dreams take flight and reality fades into the background – welcome to the Pena Palace!

As we venture deeper into its hallowed halls, we are greeted by a cornucopia of sights, sounds, and sensations that tantalize the senses and stir the soul.

The interiors of the palace are a veritable treasure trove of artistic riches, with each room more opulent and extravagant than the last. From the ornate tilework of the Arab Room to the gilded splendor of the Throne Room, every corner tells a story of luxury and refinement, a testament to the wealth and power of the Portuguese monarchy.

But it is not just the interiors that captivate the imagination – the palace gardens are equally deserving of our attention. Designed in the romantic style popularized by the English landscape movement, the gardens are a lush oasis of greenery and tranquility, with winding paths that lead to secluded grottos, picturesque ponds, and hidden follies.

Here, amid the scent of exotic flowers and the chirping of songbirds, one can lose oneself in the timeless beauty of nature, a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

4. Opening Hours and Accessibility: Unlocking the Gates of Wonder

Ready to embark on your own adventure? The Pena Palace welcomes visitors daily, offering glimpses into its magical realm from 9:30 AM to 7:00 PM.

Accessibility is ensured through ramps and designated paths, allowing all guests to explore this architectural gem at their own pace.

Pena Palace is open everyday of the week:

  • Timings: 9.30 AM to 6.30 PM.

  • Last entry: 5:30 PM

  • Closed: 25th December and 1st January

  • Best time to visit: The best time to visit Pena Palace in Sintra is typically during the spring (April to June) when the weather is mild, and the lush gardens surrounding the palace are in full bloom.

5. Prices and Ticket Information: Your Passport to Paradise

Before you set off on your journey, be sure to secure your ticket to paradise. Admission prices vary depending on the season, with discounts available for children, seniors, and students. Tickets can be purchased online or at the palace entrance, but for a hassle-free experience, we recommend booking in advance to avoid long queues.

  • Ticket to the Park of Pena (Without the Palace): 14 EUROS

  • Ticket to Park and National Palace of Pena: 20 EUROS

  • Ticket for Young People (6-17 years old) Park and Palace: 18 EUROS

  • Family Ticket (2 Adults and 2 Young): 65 EUROS

Get your tickets on the official website of Pena Palace:

6. How to Get There: Navigating the Path to Enchantment

Reaching the Pena Palace is as much a part of the adventure as the destination itself. From Sintra WOW a very short drive will bring you to the palace gates.

Alternatively, hop aboard the convenient shuttle bus service from the town center (7 minutes walking from Sintra WOW), where you can sit back, relax, and let the journey unfold before you.

In conclusion, the Pena Palace is not merely a monument of stone and mortar; it is a testament to the boundless creativity of the human spirit. So, dear WOW Guests, as you stand in awe before its towering walls, remember to cherish the magic that surrounds you, for in Sintra, the line between reality and fantasy is delightfully blurred.

From Sintra WOW main entrance door, it takes around 10 minutes by car to the Entry Ticket of the Palace, or it takes 40 minutes walking, a kinda climby path, but all green, full of nature and mesmerizing!


Lisbon > Sintra: Train (CP) – Sintra Line

(Departure stations: Oriente; Rossio; Entrecampos)


Sintra (train station) > Pena: Bus 434 (Scotturb)



You can reach the town of Sintra using:

  • IC19 (from Lisbon)

  • IC30 (from Mafra)

  • EN9 (from Cascais, via the A5)


GPS Coordinates: 38º 47’ 16.45” N 9º 23’ 15.35” W

Please note that access to this monument is not authorized to private vehicles. We recommended the use of the pedestrian trails available or public transportation. You can park your car in the historic center of Sintra or the peripheral car parks available.

Simply click here to open the Google Maps already with the Pena Palace set up:


Marked hiking trails:



Starting point: “Info Parques de Sintra”, in S. Pedro de Sintra

Distance: 1.770 metres

Duration: 1 hour



Starting point: Palace of Seteais

Distance:  2.410 metres

Duration: 1h30



Starting point: Largo Ferreira de Castro

Distance: 1.850 metres

Duration: 45 minutes

7. Where to Stay: A royalty day, visit a Palace and Sleep in another one!

For those seeking an unforgettable stay amidst the enchantment of Sintra, look no further than Sintra WOW. The place Where History meets Technology!

Nestled on the charming street of Escadinhas Visconde de Ouguela, Sintra WOW, a 17th-century small palace, offers a luxurious boutique hotel experience like no other in Sintra.

First of all, Location, Location, Location! You are less than 9 minutes walking to the Historic Sintra Center, and the National Sintra Palace as well. And some of our Smart Stays offer a private free parking.

You literally can go out the main door of Sintra WOW and climb some stairs and start walking to the Pena Palace.

Picture yourself waking up to the gentle breeze carrying the scent of blooming gardens, just steps away from the historic heart of Sintra. With its prime location, Sintra WOW Magical Palace is not only the closest accommodation to the Pena Palace but also the epitome of luxury, tech and convenience.

All our suites and homes are fully smart, with voice activation features in every division, you can talk to the lights and tell them to change to red, or you can tell the smart speakers to play the Rolling Stones while you have a hot bath with the Sintra Mountain Views, inside a bathroom made with pink marble and a fireplace!

Located within a leisurely walk or a short drive from Sintra WOW, the Pena Palace beckons travelers to immerse themselves in its fairy-tale splendor. However, why settle for just a visit when you can experience a day of true royalty? Start your morning with a sumptuous breakfast at Sintra WOW's elegant dining area, or delivered in your bed, and then set off to explore the wonders of the Pena Palace.

After a day of marveling at its majestic towers and lush gardens, return to the comfort of Sintra WOW for a nice bubbly and very hot Jacuzzi, use our BBQ outside, watch a movie on our Exterior Cinema in the main Patio, go to the Sauna, or simply relax in our Piano Room and turn on the fireplace, while our private Chef cooks a twisted Portuguese dinner, just for you! A regal evening of relaxation and indulgence.

Don't forget, we are just approximately 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) away, which typically takes around 30-40 minutes on foot, depending on your pace and the route you choose to take.

Along the way, you'll be treated to scenic views of Sintra's charming architecture, lush landscapes, and perhaps even catch glimpses of other enchanting attractions. So lace up your walking shoes and embark on a leisurely journey from Sintra WOW to the crown jewel of Sintra, the Pena Palace.

Enjoy Sintra, Enjoy Portugal, make it worth, make it WOW!

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